WaterCAD 2024 Help

Design Type tab

The Design Type tab allows you to design and weigh benefits so the genetic algorithm knows better what your design priorities are.

Design Objectives Objective Type - the overall priority of the design. Select one of the following: Minimize Cost sets price as your primary concern and the genetic algorithm will consider costs most heavily. Maximize Benefit sets the performance of the system as the highest priority. The system performance is measured by the pressures at specified junctions using pressure benefits. Multi-Objective Trade-off allows the genetic algorithm to consider where the best compromise lies between cost and pressure benefit. This selection has higher computational requirements than the other design types. Available Budget - Type a dollar amount. This field is not available for Minimize Budget.
Benefit Type Select Dimensionless or Unitized benefit for Maximized Benefit or Multi-Objective Trade-off. Dimensionless - If pressure improvement is not a primary concern, dimensionless benefit considers the ratio of pressure improvement to minimum pressure for selected junctions. Multi-Objective Trade-off - If you are looking for a specific pressure improvement from your system, unitized benefit considers the average pressure increase for selected junctions.
Pressure Benefit Set the Pressure Benefit Coefficient and the Pressure Benefit Exponent. These increase the weighted value of pressure in your network. Exponent has a larger affect on the weighted value than the same number for the coefficient.